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Showing posts from October, 2020

A blog in 2020?

Yeah, I decided to start a blog in 2020, and no, no one reads it (yet? Insert hopeful smile). Here's a list of why: 1. I want to use it as a creative outlet. I love to write (fiction and also essay type of stuff) and I want to get better at writing and also challenge myslef. 2. I also want to write about my experiences, and hopefully help people, that go though similar things, feel less alone. 3. I want to just have fun and maybe share some outfits or things I made.  4. I love reading blogs, and I have a hard time finding ones that still post things and aren't just archives (if anyone knows good blogs, hit me up). Cringe culture is dead, embrace tradition. Make blogs a thing again :) 5. I'm shy and I don't want to start a YouTube channel or something similar. Blogs feel more intimate and anonymous somehow. That's all for today,  Hugs, Pluto

September playlist of the month

These are just some old songs that mean a lot to me (I had such a Mamma Mia phase when I was around 14, it's kind of embarassing how often I saw that movie) I hope everyone is well, I know it's already October today, but I didn't find time to write sooner, sorry.  Love, Pluto